Astrocartography Reading Review Name * First Name Last Name My pronouns are... * Email * Have you had an Astrocartography reading before? * Yes No Why did you book a reading today? * Please be as specific as possible My session brought clarity, insight or overall direction * Strongly agree Agree Neutral Not for me What did you like? What can we do better? * Please be as specific as possible What are you taking away from our session? How do you plan to integrate this? * Please be as specific as possible Disclaimer * I allow my testimonial to be shared via this website, email and/or social media. Text only Text + social media profile image Chart and map examples * Let us know if we can use your chart or map on social media as an example of what happens in a reading. Your name and birth info will not be included. Yes No Thank you for your kind words - A special gift will be coming to your inbox soon!